Betekenis van:
replacement cost
replacement cost
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- current cost of replacing a fixed asset with a new one of equal effectiveness
- step (a): the current replacement cost, and in
- Thus, in the application of Part 3, in: step (a): the current replacement cost, and in
- in step (a) the current replacement cost for the contracts included in a netting agreement may be obtained by taking account of the actual hypothetical net replacement cost which results from the agreement; in the case where netting leads to a net obligation for the credit institution calculating the net replacement cost, the current replacement cost is calculated as ‘0’, and
- Step (c): the sum of current replacement cost and potential future credit exposure is the exposure value.
- Calculated cost items such as depreciation of environmental equipment, capital loss due to forced replacement or general overhead.
- cost of the provision of replacement services during the absence of the farmer or the farm worker;
- As the multimodal hubs are configured to handle express services, this replacement will proceed at constant cost as the value transported increases.
- In the case of the replacement of an existing installation, is there an advantage deriving from the increase of capacity or from cost saving?
- Further savings would result from the replacement of cost‐intensive traditional cash‐desk facilities by more modern facilities, thereby saving on 300 staff.
- Step (a): by attaching current market values to contracts (mark‐to‐market), the current replacement cost of all contracts with positive values is obtained.
- NGR = ‘net-to-gross ratio’: at the discretion of the competent authorities either:(i) separate calculation: the quotient of the net replacement cost for all contracts included in a legally valid bilateral netting agreement with a given counterparty (numerator) and the gross replacement cost for all contracts included in a legally valid bilateral netting agreement with that counterparty (denominator), or
- aggregate calculation: the quotient of the sum of the net replacement cost calculated on a bilateral basis for all counterparties taking into account the contracts included in legally valid netting agreements (numerator) and the gross replacement cost for all contracts included in legally valid netting agreements (denominator).
- Neither the complete demolition of a farm building at least 30 years old and replacement by an up-to date building, nor the fundamental renovation of a farm building, are considered as replacement investments. Renovation is considered as fundamental when its cost amounts to at least 50 % of the value of the new building.
- For the purposes of calculating T the exposure value of a derivative instrument listed in Annex IV shall, where the current replacement cost is not a positive value, be the potential future credit exposure calculated in accordance with Annex III.
- for exposures with a residual maturity below one year, the credit institution shall compare on a regular basis the replacement cost (current exposure) and the realised exposure profile, and/or store data that would allow such a comparison.